Lectures and Workshops

Lectures, Programs, Classes, Workshops 

In person and virtual programs and workshops available.
Zoom room can be provided.
Includes question and answer time. 


Trunk Show  "Evolution of a Quilter"  From learning to teaching.
Includes early learning and current quilts - and tops.
Also sharing tips and good ideas for everyone to learn something.

"Creativity, Organization, Scraps, and Quilts"
The title says it all. Includes tips, and the sought-after handout sheet.

"Electric Quilt, just another tool" 
How does Electric Quilt design software fit in among the rulers, patterns, and templates of our current quilting room.

"The Quilter's Consultant"
Bring your questions, puzzles, conundrums, and unfinished projects and find options and solutions. Also includes that sought-after handout sheet.

"Topic of Request"
Any combination of the above lectures. A little bit of everything.


One hour lecture with question and answer time: $400


Half day classes - 3 hours

Triangle Frenzy Runner, Swirl, Hexagon, and/or Hexagon Tree Skirt
(I can teach all at the same time, so student's choice)

Electric Quilt 8 for beginners.
This is a two hour class, with extra hour optional for questions and answers.
Laptops are required, or notify instructor to bring an extra laptop. 
It is now required to own EQ8.

Electric Quilt 8 re-sizing patterns. Or specific subject as requested for class.
Laptops required, or notify instructor to bring laptop. 
It is required to own EQ8. 

"The Quilter's Consultant"
Bring problem projects and we will figure out solutions.
Come and go or sit and sew.

½ day classes $400, Maximum 20 students, $20 each additional student. 


Full day class - 6 hours with lunch break

Triangle Frenzy Whirlwind
Turn 8 half-yards of fabric into a Whirlwind!
Learn the designer's techniques.

Triangle Frenzy Amaryllis, Treble, Bouquet, and/or Bouquet, too
Turn border prints into amazing quilts.
Learn the designer's techniques.

Tie-angle Frenzy, no mountain method.
Turn 20 or more ties into a flat work of art, or a quilt. Not just using the tie fabric, but the ties themselves.

The Quilter's Consultant
Come sit and sew with Bunnie while she talks out loud to herself.
Everyone will learn something! 
Bring questions, problem projects, anything. We will come up with something.

Full Day Classes $600, Maximum 20 students, $30 each additional student.


Private Lessons - In person or virtual
Subject your selection.
One-on-one or a small group of friends
Help interpreting a pattern.
Mastering a technique.
Quilter's Consultant

$30 per hour.